Monday – Prayer Power 12:30 PM
Mistletoe Market Work Bees 1:00 PM
Monday Night Bible Study 7:30 PM
Tuesday – F & M Meeting 7:00 PM
Wednesday – Quilts for Cancer 10:00 AM
October 22nd – Prayer and Praise 7:00 PM
October 26th – Session Meeting 1 PM
Election of Elders… The Session of St. Columba Church has resolved to hold an election of ruling elders who will serve on the Session for a six-year term beginning January 1, 2018. Nominations will be received October 29th, November 5th & 12th, with the election, by secret ballot, being held after worship on November 19th. All communicant members of St. Columba Church are eligible to submit nominations and vote in the election. Please pick up your package of information, including a letter to explain the process, a list of those eligible to be elected to the Session and a nomination form, today. Remaining packages will be mailed this week.
MEALS ON WHEELS – become a volunteer during the month of October. Please speak to Marion G and/or sign schedule in Narthex. (Next to elevator)