
St. Columba is an active congregation guided by the Session.

Columbakids gather Sunday mornings during 10:30 worship service (for children Grade 6 and under during the school year). An activity table is available for children (at the back of the sanctuary) during the summer weeks.

Columbateens actively participate in all aspects of church life.

Blessing Bowl… If you have a special prayer in your heart and would like to have it offered to God during the Prayers of the People, please place it in the Blessing Bowl on the Communion Table. During our prayers for others, Rev. Jennifer will lift the contents of the Blessing Bowl to our Lord for his perfect response. Prayers will not be read out loud… God knows what is written on each slip of paper. Your prayer may be one of thanksgiving, a prayer for help for yourself or someone else, a prayer for the church or the world; it can be whatever you wish to lay before the Lord for his blessing. You are also welcome to contribute prayers during the week, as the Blessing Bowl will be in the narthex. The bowl has been purchased from Ten Thousand Villages, so blessings are already being shared with those who have crafted this beautiful vessel. Rev. Jennifer prays privately over each individual prayer following the Worship Service.


Bible Study group to  meet:

  • A variety of groups meet.  Details are posted in the weekly Newsletter as new Studies take place.

The Prayer Chain stays in contact via the phone. To participate or add a prayer contact the church office during office hours.

Quilts For Cancer are busy quilting at home and meet on a regular basis. See Current Events for up to date information.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a home-based prayer group who pray and keep busy making shawls.

Coffee Break is an informal group who meet to chat over a coffee or tea on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

Ministry of Music is led by Director of Music, John Brewster. 

Donations for Gleaners are accepted on an ongoing basis to fill the grocery cart each month.

Several community groups choose St. Columba as their meeting place. If you are interested in holding your event at St. Columba please contact the church office.

For more information on the work & mission of the church contact the church office, see the Bulletins or Events pages.

A community of faith in Belleville, Ontario