
Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 AM.  A lift is available for access to all levels of the church building where accessible washrooms are available. Upon arrival you will find greeters available to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.

Our  nursery is ready and waiting for babies and toddlers to explore with our nursery staff. Children in junior kindergarten through grade 6 are invited to attend the Columbakids Program. Children may sit with their families during the first part of the worship service and then go downstairs after the second hymn to the activity room for Columbakids.

Following Sunday worship service, everyone is invited for refreshments and fellowship in the Narthex (gluten-free options available).

You are invited to the Sacrament of Communion (gluten-free)

imagesFirst Sunday of Lent

Palm Sunday

Pentecost Sunday

World Communion Sunday

First Sunday of Advent

A community of faith in Belleville, Ontario