Week of May 20, 2018


 May 27th, Sunday, Prayer and Praise 7 PM

May 31st, Thursday, Session Meeting 7 PM



PRAYER POWER… A praying church is a living growing church. The weekly prayer group will meet in the Jack Burke Room. Come as you are, a loved child of God who is called to commune with God and with others, through the power, and the comfort, of prayer. All are welcome. THE NEXT PRAYER GROUP WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd at 9:30 AM.

ANNUAL YARD SALE – Saturday, June 9th, 2018 Hosted by the Finance and Maintenance Team – Start saving a box for us while you are doing your spring cleaning! Donated items can be left at the church during the week of Monday June 4 to Thursday June 7th, during Office Hours. And Friday, June 8th beginning at 9:30 AM. Help with pricing items on Friday, June 8th will be appreciated. If you would like to have your items picked up and brought to the church please call Gary C, Russ L or Joyce S. All proceeds are going towards the General Funds of the Church.

BAKE SALE – added to Yard Sale Event, June 9th– Sponsored by Columbakids. Come out and see what our kids and congregation can bake. Bake Sale begins when the Yard Sale begins. Anyone who is able to help and/or donate baked goods, please speak to Katie C as soon as possible. Items can be dropped off at the church during office hours the week of June 4th. All donations are welcome!

THANK YOU to all who helped and supported the Christian Family Breakfast this past Mother’s day. After expenses we were able to support Gleaners. – Gary C Convenor

MISTLETOE MARKET WORK BEES will start meeting every Monday afternoon at 1 PM in MacLean Hall beginning June 11th. Bring your ideas and projects you would like to work on and we will work towards making the Mistletoe Market a success. All are welcome.

SPRING INTO MUSIC United Syrian Family Support (Belleville) Fundraising Concert – Sat., May 26, 7 p.m. – Bridge St. United Church Sanctuary, 60 Bridge St. E., Belleville.  Andre Knevel (organ), Roberta Luttjeboer (organ/piano), Veronique Kwakkernaat (flute) and a soloist.  Freewill Offering.  Everyone welcome!