Week of Aug. 13, 2017


A Big Thank You to Sherman S and John Brewster for leading us in Worship this Sunday with “The Stories Behind the Hymn”. And thank you to all contributed to make the Service a success.

Worship Ministry Schedules for September are available for pick up in the Narthex. Thank you to all who take part in this important ministry of the Church.

Fall Kick Off Sunday is September 10, 2017 at 10:30 A.M. to begin a new season of Worship, Study, Fellowship, and Service. Followed by a potluck lunch.

THE REV. JENNIFER IS ON HOLIDAYS UP TO AND INCLUDING SEPTEMBER 4th. If you require pastoral support or have an emergency need during this time, please call The Rev. Dr. Morley Mitchell (613-966-6834) or Clerk of Session, Jane C or the Church Office (613-962-8771) during office hours which are Tues. to Thurs. (9:00 AM-1:00 PM). Please pray for Rev. Jenn and her family as they share this time of rest, relaxation, and renewal of energy and spirit.


            Aug 20th: The Rev. Ted Thompson

Aug 27th: Mike Mundell

Sept 3rd:   Ken Fraser

PRAYER POWER… A praying church is a living growing church. The weekly prayer group will meet in the Jack Burke Room. Come to pray, silently or out loud, with sisters and brothers who are dedicated to building the faithful health and vitality of our congregation, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and the Church throughout the world. Come to lift your personal requests as you feel moved. Come as you are, a loved child of God who is called to commune with God and with others, through the power, and the comfort, of prayer. All are welcome. BECAUSE THE OFFICE IS CLOSED ON MONDAYS DURING THE SUMMER THE NEXT PRAYER GROUP WILL MEET ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH AT 12:30 PM. Let us continue to pray for our congregation, community and world until we meet again as a group!


As wildfires remain active in British Columbia, please pray for affected communities and first responders. Donations may be made to PWS&D in support of physical and emotional recovery for those impacted by the fires. Mail a cheque to the office, give through your church, donate online, or call 1-800-619-7301. Please mark donations for “BC Fires.” Learn more at WeRespond.ca/bc-wildfires.


LET US NOT FORGET the various outreach projects that we as a congregation continue to help:

Aluminum Cans – Columbakids

Used Stamps – Canadian Bible Society

Canadian Tire Money – Evangel Hall

Tabs from Aluminum Cans – March of Dimes

DID YOU KNOW THAT we have volunteers from this congregation, representing our church, who give their time on one Monday a month to help at the Coffee Bar at Hastings Manor?

VOLUNTEERS from the congregation also help with “Meals on Wheels” at least 2 times a year.

MISTLETOE MARKET AND THE ANNUAL YARD SALE are always a great success because of many helping hands from our congregation.