Week of November 4, 2017


 Monday – Prayer Power 12:30 PM

Mistletoe Market Work Bees 1:00 PM

Monday Night Bible Study 7:30 PM



 November 12 – Final day for Session Nominations

                         Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes are due

November 18 – Mistletoe Market – All Day

November 21 – Presbytery of Kingston – 9:00 AM

F & M Meeting – 7:00 PM

November 23 – Session Meeting – 1:00 PM



PRAYER POWER… A praying church is a living growing church. The weekly prayer group will meet in the Jack Burke Room. Come as you are, a loved child of God who is called to commune with God and with others, through the power, and the comfort, of prayer. All are welcome. THE NEXT PRAYER GROUP WILL MEET ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH AT 12:30 PM.

MEALS ON WHEELS: Many thanks to the volunteers who helped deliver meals in October. You make a huge difference in the lives of the recipients. The Volunteer Christmas Tea will be held at Maranatha Church, Tuesday, December 5th at noon.

CHRISTMAS SHARING: the Session of St. Columba is asking the congregation once again to support Christmas Sharing by way of a “Monetary Donation”. The goal is to help as many families as possible ($100 helps a family of 4). Last year the total raised was $1,586.00. Let us see if we can match and /or surpass this amount. If you would like to donate, mark on your offering envelope “Christmas Sharing”. Let us get behind this worthwhile outreach into our community

ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, the congregation was made aware of the need to replace the hydraulic hoses on the elevator. These repairs must be completed immediately at a cost of $2,114.40 plus applicable taxes. In the spring of 2018 the air conditioning unit for the narthex and offices must be replaced, with a cost of $5,500.00 plus H.S.T. These costs have come as unexpected items for the congregation to address. We will appreciate the help you can give to the Finance and Maintenance Team as they meet these obligations. Please note these costs are in addition to the regular, ongoing costs of maintaining the church building for ministry. Thank you.

Election of Elders… The Session of St. Columba Church has resolved to hold an election of ruling elders who will serve on the Session for a six-year term beginning January 1, 2018. Nominations will be received October 29th, November 5th & 12th, with the election, by secret ballot, being held after worship on November 19th. All communicant members of St. Columba Church are eligible to submit nominations and vote in the election. If you did not receive your information, please let the office know. Place nominations in sealed signed envelope in the White Box on table in Narthex.

HELP FILL A BOX! The Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes have returned. We need your help this year! There will be examples of what can go in a box, information and brochures that every family can take home. Boxes due back by November 12th. “Help build the mountain at the front of the Church”

 LUNCH FOR PRESBYTERY – On November 21st, we have the privilege of hosting the Presbytery of Kingston for a luncheon. In the Narthex you will find a sign-up sheet for helpers. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

FREE BOOKS!! The church library has been downsized and moved into the Jack Burke Room. Please take a look through the books on the table in the narthex and take what you would like. The books are yours to keep! You may make a freewill donation if you wish. Whatever is left after November 12th will be taken to Bibles for Mission. Books in the Jack Burke Room are available for browsing or borrowing!

THE FURNITURE in the narthex was purchased with the 2016 interest from the Living Trust Fund, approved for this purpose at the annual meeting in March of this year as we continue to update our facilities in our growing ministry in the community.