Week of December 24, 2017

Thank you, Michael Faulkner, for leading us in music while John Brewster is away celebrating Christmas with his family, and thank you to all others participating in this Service of Worship. We are blessed to hear the story through your presentation of God’s greatest gift to us, the Son of God – our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Tonight: Christmas Eve Family Service 7:00 PM.  All Welcome

The Office will be closed on December 25th, and 26th. Regular hours on Wednesday (27th) and Thursday (28th)



CHRISTMAS SHARING: the Session Members of St. Columba say a big “THANK YOU’ to the congregation for supporting Christmas Sharing by way of a “Monetary Donation”.

OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR 2018 – there are a few still not taken. Please pick up yours today if you have not already done so.