All posts by stcolumba2

Thank You…

Thank you to all of our dear friends in our St. Columba Church family for your kindness to us for the past month – since Lillian’s surgery. We especially give thanks for the many prayers being given on our behalf. (the best gift of all!), the food, the many cards, phone calls, flowers and visits. Our cup truly runneth over! Again, thank you and may God bless you richly.

In Christian Love: Doug and Lillian M

Week of June 28 – July 4, 2015

Mistletoe Market Work Bees: will meet on Monday June 29th, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at St. Columba in the East Room. Come for a little while, or and stay for the whole time. Many hands make light work, so we look forward to working together. This will be the last meeting until the fall. Thank you everyone who took part in this major fund raising project.

Wednesday July 1, 2015 the office will be closed for Canada Day.

Wednesday morning Coffee Hour is going on vacation and will resume again in the fall.

Columbafest 2015

Join us for our annual worship and picnic Sunday as we celebrate our Columbafest in worship, and nurture out friendships with a BBQ and games on the lawn. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and desserts are provided… the congregation is asked to sign-up to bring your favourite salad to share! Also, bring your lawn chairs, hats, sunscreen, and your enthusiasm for a game or two.


Update: There will also be face painting, birthday cake, and more!

Week of June 14 – 20, 2015

Mistletoe Market Work Bees: will meet on Monday June 15th, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at St. Columba in the East Room. Come for a little while, or and stay for the whole time. Many hands make light work, so we look forward to working together.

Wed:     10:00 AM Coffee Break


The June Letter from the Finance and Maintenance Team is ready for you to pick up in the Narthex if you have not already done so.

Volunteers this is your chance to help over the summer months. The Worship Roster for July and August is on the flip chart in the Narthex. Please fill in blanks if you can be of assistance. Thank you.

On behalf our family, Larry and I thank you, our church family, for the love, support, and many cards we received upon the passing of my mother, Effie
Barlow. Thank you to Rev Jenn for delivering a beautiful message of hope and encouragement.

– Phyllis MacKenzie

Worship Leader Thanks

Today we welcome The Reverend Ted Thompson and thank him for leading us in worship today.

Also, The Finance & Maintenance Team would like to thank the congregation for donating items for the yard sale, helping with pricing, selling and supporting us yesterday. It was a great day!